Friday, October 3, 2008

The day I got into an accident.

 I was severely injured this afternoon.

No, no, don't worry. I am going be fine.

Right now, I'm in bed, eating popsicles and resting. 

I'm still pretty shaky but I guess I feel ok enough to talk about it.

Every year in October it is a tradition that me and my mom go pick apples at an apple orchard.

For those of you readers who have never been to an apple orchard, and are under the impression that this is an idyllic Johnny Appleside-eque romp, let me tell you, you are very very very wrong.


It is a very very very stressful place. You get there, you grab your basket, or "scuttle" or whatever cutesy colonial name they've decided to call it this year and watch as your mother sets off on a brisk trot towards the trees, where there is intense competition to get the best apples before the thousands of other nostalgia starved parents get there first.

My mom usually doesn't want to ruin her manicure so she makes do most of the picking, and there is always a definite change in tone from the beginning of our apple picking trip to the end.

"Oh, there's a nice one, honey! Right to your left! Great teamwork! High Five!"

"Your LEFT. LEFT! God damnit Earlene, reach! REACH! That big red one! A little exercise is not going to kill you!"

So there I was, perched precariously on a little sapling apple tree that wasn't exactly sturdy enough to hold my rounded figure, listening to my mother screaming at me to stop staring at her like a slightly retarded monkey and pick the damn apple.

So of course I fell.

Actually, more like the tree fell, with me in it.

Anyway, it was really painful, and really embarrassing, and my mom started crying, and I was crying because my head really hurt, and there was blood gushing.

I didn't go to the emergency room but I did lie down in the back of the car the entire way as my mom sped home.

The worst part is I have a nasty mark on my forehead now.

UPDATE: Mom just came into my room with the latest gaming magazines, ho-hos, Sunkist, and bandaids.

I'm not saying that this makes up for the accident or anything.

But it helps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Earlene, I am truly saddened to hear about your accident. I sincerely hope you feel better soon. Might I add, you have the most beautiful, giant-chocolate-chip eyes I have ever seen.