Monday, October 20, 2008


5 Reasons Why Halloween Is The Best Holiday of the Year Except for Christmas or Your Birthday Even Though Birthdays Aren't Really Holidays:

1. If your mom makes you donate your trick-or-treat pillowcase to starving children in Tibet, you can give her a decoy filled with Raisinets, Smarties, and toothbrushes and bury the actual pillowcase(s) in the backyard for later.

2. Two words: Candy. Corn.

3. Because carving Jack-O-Lanterns into faces that resemble people you know is not creepy, it is a compliment. Also, it is a compliment to carve "SOMEONE LOVES YOU" into a pumpkin and leae it on their porch. Also, it is an even bigger compliment to carve "SOMEONE LOVES YOU" into twenty three pumpkins  and line them up to spell out "BRADNEY" on their porch.

4. I am really. Really. Really. Good. At bobbing for apples.

5. If you plan ahead, you can change into a different costume and make the trick or treating rounds again for double candy. Also you can do this more than once. My record is seven, so GOOD LUCK.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahahaha #5 is ma fav, but what happens when they say you are too old for trick or treating? That DEF happened to mee last halloween. Maybe I can get away with it this year by wearing a mask . . .