Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Birthday

Hi Guys,

I'm glad so many of you liked the music video!!! Mariah has always been an inspiration to me, and I enjoyed the filming process. Also, today I went to The Bank Formerly Known as Washington Mutual to cash a birthday check from grandma, and "Always Be My Baby" was playing. I think that is a sign. Of something.

However, in my next video I definitely think I'll go edgier. Show everyone a totally new side of me....ideas?

My birthday was ok. Hiroko and Sven (international friends I met through gaming) both sent me sweet ecards, and a couple people wrote on my facebook wall, which was really sweet.

Mom got me a gift certificate to GameStop (yes!!!!) and a membership to Curves for Women. (thanks?)

Didn't hear from my dad, but, that's ok.



Anonymous said...

Maybe XXXTina's Dirty? Or Metallica!

Unknown said...

Your dad didn't call you, Early? :(

Earlene said...

No. But, he never does, so it's ok!