Monday, October 6, 2008

As a matter of fact, I DID shoot a music video...

Mom's been on my back for a while about finding a "Creative outlet".  I decided rather than wasting my breath trying to convince my mother that gaming IS an outlet for me, I might as well humor her to get her off my back faster.

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what my creative outlet could be.

At first I thought I might try my hand at welding. Unfortunately, it isn't really easy to "try your hand" at welding these days because so few people weld.

Then I thought I might start getting really into reality tv, but mom objected by saying that it isn't really a creative outlet unless you are OUTPUTTING some kind of creative energy. 

Then Ish came over this weekend with a fancy new video camera that he bought for himself with his bar mitzvah money. he's decided he wants to go to film school, which is pretty appropriate for a poncy freak who sucks at math like him. anyway he was showing off his camera and the idea kind of dawned on me, like, really organically. Then we had the following conversation:

ME: Ish, let's shoot a music video with your new camera.
ISH: No.
ME: Starring me!
ISH: .....No?
ME: And we can have lots of different locations and wardrobe changes!
ISH: Seriously, no.
ME: I'll pay you.
ISH: How much.
ME: *whispers undisclosed amount, saved from years and years of Nana slipping me twenties and telling me to go buy something pretty*
ISH: You have 5 hours.

And we shook on it. It was actually a pretty good deal...5 hours of total creative freedom for me, and Ish had to do and film whatever I said, and wasn't allowed to complain about it being "morally suspect" or "creepy".

The whole shoot was really great. It was a really organic process. The video is basically about some of the men I've loved. I like to work really organically. Like, just do what feels right. Anything to get the shot. The dailies (daily?) looked amazing and it was totally cathartic for me.

Anyway, the video drops this Friday. Look for it on this blog.

I have always wanted to say that something "drops". If you hvae always wanted to say that too, then you should probably grab a camera and shoot a music video. I highly recommend it.



Anonymous said...

I am counting down the days till friday!!! cant we get some kind of sneak peak?

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah give us some still clips!! britneys new video comes out on friday too and shes let us see some of her HOT LOOKSSS

let us SEEEE