Thursday, October 16, 2008

Debate Night

Oh my god, you guys, it's 3 am, and I'm exhausted after an extra long tourney with Sven, who finally beat me. All I want to do is crawl into bed, but then I realized that a lot of you are probably waiting for this entry. Some of you might even need my Lexicon in order to fully participate in the "tough vigorous debates around issues" that are sure to occur in the office tomorrow morning.
Well, have no fear.

Earlene's Fourth (and Final) Guide to Complicated Political Jargon

Joe Wurtzleberger: Okay. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, while admittedly quaint, are at least believable names. THERE IS NO WAY THAT "JOE WURTZLEBERGER" AKA "JOE THE PLUMBER" IS A REAL PERSON!!!!!!! Don't be fooled, America! 

Hatchet: A large, blunt blade attached to a short wooden stick. Lizzie Borden picked up her hatchet and slashed her mother's face off.

Scalpel:  A small, but extremely sharp knife, used for anatomical dissection, and sometimes arts and crafts. Having finished his thorough dissection of the cadaver, Dr.Frankenstein washed off his scalpel and eagerly set to work on his macaroni christmas ornaments.
Editors Note: I am not really sure how either the Hatchet or the Scalpel will be helpful in solving the economic crisis.

Overhead Projector:  See Previous Edition.

Scranton, PA: See Previous Edition

Watch Dog Organization: I didn't know this existed, but I guess I'm not surprised. Everyone's unionized these days.

Tit for Tat: This is pretty vulgar. Let's just say, sometimes girls don't have enough cash to pay for their tattoos, so they strike up some other deal. Just another example of how seriously skeezy Washington has gotten lately.

Bresh of Freth Air: Pig-Latin dialect for "Breath of Fresh Air". 

Cockamamie: Old man-speak for "crazy", or "silly". Jedidiah didn't quite trust the Prospector's cockamamie scheme to get gold, so he hitched a ride on the next Wells Fargo Wagon out of town.

Climate Change: Any long-term significant change in the weather a specific region experiences.

Climate Control: Air conditioning. 

Closing Thoughts on the Presidential Debates of 2008:

Seriously, John McCain....



Anonymous said...

It's his waddle that gets me. He has more money than God, get that thing cut off, or lifted, or sucked out -- or whatever it is people do to make their necks look younger.

Anonymous said...

to anonymous: why should he get plastic surgery? hes just keeping it real. stop reinforcing the celebrity world's false ideas of beauty! its people like you who perpetuate negative body images and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Earlene said...

Annonymous, I dont want to make you feel bad about yourself or anything, but I recently found out that from when he was beaten as a POW in Vietnam. Or melanoma or something. Either way...............