Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Destiny? Yes!

Yesterday, I wrote on Bradney's facebook wall:

Afterwards, in a flash of self-doubt, I worried that Bradney might find that creepy. So imagine my intense joy and relief when he wrote back:

That is the single nicest thing that Bradney has ever, ever said to me. I felt giddy for the rest of the day. There is absolutely NO BETTER FEELING IN THE WORLD than when your crush totally gets you, and says as much. I mean, he didn't have to say anything so sweet, you know? He could have just ignored the wall-post like he usually does. I'm so happy that I randomly saw that quote on a website yesterday. I didn't even know it was from the band Phish!!!! I've never actually heard any of their songs, BUT!


Phish food (Phish Phood?) is totally my favorite ice cream flavor. Which means that Bradney and I are soul mates.

So happy,


(PS Happy Birthday Nathalie. I will eat a few cupcakes in your honor.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!! I know I will not be getting a better gift than the one you gave me!
