Sunday, October 12, 2008


As Pocahontas would say, Halloween is "Just around the Riverbend!" (Actually she would say it more like "just around the riverbeeeeeeeeeeend!" while rowing a canoe with a racoon in it on her way to see her grandmother who is, incidentally, a tree.)

I really need a good costume for trick or treating this year. Preferably one that disguises my face, because the neighbors always get annoyed when I ring their doorbells and grumpily tell me to "leave some candy for the kids!"

My Ideas So Far:
- A Sexy Pimento Olive.
-A Sexy Duck Billed Platypus
-A Sexy Box of Kraft Mac N' Cheese (this might be a little difficult....)
-A Sexy Raisin
-A Witch.

I really cannot decide, so I made a poll! Please vote for your favorite halloween costume on the side bar thing. Or if you have better ideas, let me know!!!!!!!

This is gonna be the best halloween ever, I'm gonna get MAD candy, y'all.


Emily said...


Anonymous said...

How about a sexy John McCain?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe no one is voting for the witch, Earlene! It's the scariest, and it probably would be so easy for you to pull off.

Anonymous said...

Sexy Mac and Cheese for sure!