Friday, October 10, 2008


In honor of my birthday!!!!!!!!

Hope you like it!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I became an agoraphobic after watching this.

Anonymous said...

what can i say? that was pure brilliance. you are a talented actress and a free spirit! this was amazing, and i hope you make more videos in the very near future!

Mademoiselle Alicia said...

Happy Birthday Boo! the video was great

Anonymous said...

Yes! I love this music video, so amazinggggg.

Anonymous said...


To say that was brilliant would be the understatement of the century. Please make more soon. Please get cousin Ish to help again. The world needs more of this.


Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! Is that Bradney!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to say this without sounding creepy, but I seriously love you for this video. Your posts bring such a joy to my life, you don't even know. P.S. You look gorgeous in that pink dress in the video

romano said...

i am floored earlene. you look fucking gorgeous in that video. i dont know what to do or say.

Anonymous said...

That's the best thing I've ever seen.

emily! said...

earlene!! howd you get trey and bradney to agree!? OR DID YOU? hahah it was toooo funny! youre the best.