Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Surprise, Surprise....

So my mom talked to her friend who is friends with the person who is friends with Trey's mom, and heard that Trey has decided to move here permanently. So she invited Trey over for dinner. And I guess Trey's mom made him say yes.

Except, in typical mom fashion, she conviniently forgot a very important "meeting" so she left us money for pizza and took off. Also she kept winking.

Once my mom left, Trey seemed really pissed off. 

ME: So, you want to be in my music video?
TREY: Do I want to be in your....?
ME: Music Video.
TREY: Music Video. Really.
ME: Yes.
ME: do you want to be in my Music Video?
TREY: No. I do not.

So we watched tv instead, for about twenty minutes, until Trey told me he had better get going.

ME: But what about the pizza?
TREY: I'm actually not hungry. You go ahead and eat it.

So I did.

And that's about the end of that.

Except, remember when Trey said he didn't want to be in my Music Video?

WE DON'T ALWAYS GET WHAT WE WANT, TREY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jarky said...

That's so cool, Earlene! I can't wait until it becomes so much of a cultural icon that it will be mocked 10 years from now on VH1's "I Love 2K08".