Monday, October 27, 2008

This is harder than I thought.


                         That there are actually few jobs on craigslist for the inexperienced young worker in her early 20s, besides being an egg donor for a "loving couple"?

Ugh, today has been rough, guys, it's been really rough. First of all, Mom woke me up at 10:30 am (!!!!!!!!) to remind me to work on my resume. So I did, and twenty minutes later, I had this:

Can you guys read that? Is it too small? Well, whatever, you get the gist.

I spent the rest of my day sending my resume out to jobs that seemed appropriate, including being a companion for an elderly woman in a nursery home, and dog walking. Though I'm not feeling too confident about either of those options, because old people tend to hate me, and I tend to hate dogs.

The ONE really COOL COOL COOL job that I came across on craigslist was a job to be a PLAINCLOTHES STORE DETECTIVE, NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, WILL TRAIN. Doesn't that sound great? Imagine me, Earlene Watts, working undercover at Wet Seal or something and catching all the robbers! Do you think I would get a badge? What about a gun?

Anyway I really hope that comes through for me.

Otherwise, I wonder if mom would let being a surrogate count as having a job....



Anonymous said...

Don't give up! Keep your eyes open for amazing opportunities like this one:

Anonymous said...

Don't be a surrogate - it will totally ruin your body for Bradney

Earlene said...

oh my god, Annonymous #1, I am so impressed with you right now for finding that.