Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New poll!

I arrive in New York TODAY!!!!!!!!!

Where do you think I should go on my hot date? I have compiled a list of romantic New York locations. Please vote on the left.

Hope my plane doesn't crash!



Anonymous said...

Queens?! Wtf?

Anonymous said...

where's Muggzys in da bronx??

Earlene said...

Dear Annonymous,

I do not know what Mugggzys is, but please send the address so I can go there ASAP.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

congratulations on making it to the Big Apple. Don't go on a carriage ride. They poop and it's embarrassing on a date. Ice skating will let him show off for you and guys love that.

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

The horses poop, not your date.