Friday, November 14, 2008

Take 2.

So last night I decided to do some exploring of New York City. Unfortunately, I got really really lost and spent the evening in the subway.

Despite what you may have heard in a song, taking the A Train is NOT the best way to find that Old New York is rather pretty. Also, I don't think that to "take your baby subway riding" is a very good idea, unless your baby likes sitting across from men who have fallen asleep in their own vomit.

Also, I did not see the Olsen Twins, OR Harry Potter on the subway.

Also, New York is the City that Never Sleeps....except for hot dog vendors. They go to bed early and bring their hotdogs with them.

Today I am staying out of the subway, even though it is raining. (My camera is out of batteries. I will recharge and then take pictures.)

Not totally discouraged yet,

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