Monday, November 3, 2008

Yeah, I voted. JEALOUS?!?!

So, I wasn't really going to vote, until someone told me that you get a ton of FREE STUFF if you do, like from Starbucks and Ben and Jerry's, and best of all, KRISPY KREME DONUTS!!!!

So I decided that I should probably vote early, so that I don't have to waste a lot of time on Tuesday and can cover all the Starbucks, Ben and Jerry's, and Krispy Kreme Donuts in my area. (31 Locations, total, that I'm planning to cover. I will need to get an early start.)

Voting early was a big pain, and I totally deserve all 12 free donuts I plan to eat Tuesday, because I had to wait in line for SEVEN HOURS. (ok, four hours. but still.)

Standing in line for so long is kind of like being on a really long plane ride, because you are next to the same people for a really long period of time. Most people hate talking to people sitting next to them on a plane, but I think it's more awkward to not say anything, so I broke the awkward silence by using one of my favorite ice breaker questions.

ME: Do you like monkeys?
Guy Reading Book: Pardon?
ME: Do you like monkeys?
Guy Reading Book: Do I like monkeys?
*I nod expectantly*
Guy Reading Book: Is that what you're asking me, whether or not I like monkeys?
ME: Yeah.
Guy Reading Book: Yeah, I like monkeys, sure.
ME: Ok.
*Guy goes back to reading.*
ME: Do you like Ostriches?

And so on and so forth, until the guy remembered he had left his oven on and decided to vote on Tuesday after all.

I am not going to tell you who I voted for, because that is private, and I do not want to sway any voters who may be swayed by the commentary of me. 

But I think it's no secret that I am not a fan of Sharpie Diplomacy.

(As for all the propositions and stuff, I basically used the same strategy I used when filling out scantron forms on the SAT....create a pretty pattern of dots and stick with it.)

I wonder if GameStop is giving away discounts to people who voted? That would be GREAT.

Earlene Watts

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