Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Jen and Corey are awesome because they ran the New York Marathon. And also they are awesome because after running the New York Marathon, they took a picture to send to me to express their Earlove. 

I am flattered, and very impressed.  The New York Marathon is not easy, despite the fact that minor celebrities do it. Jen and Corey have inspired me to begin intense training so that I, too, can complete a marathon. 

I started today. I was a little nervous, because I haven't been to the gym since taking P.E. But as soon as I got onto the ellpitical I felt right at home.

Things got a little trickier once I turned the machine on.....

But I got the hang of it pretty quickly. Before I knew it, I was moving my arms and legs in ellpitical motions quicker than I ever thought possible. I really feel like I got an intense workout. I was totally wiped out afterwards.

My next goal is to make it on the elliptical for over 10 minutes.

But for now, I think I'll concentrate on strength training...

Out of Breath,

P.S. I have some exciting news: I have a JOB INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! details to come!

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