Monday, November 10, 2008

I can see paradiiiise by the DASH BOARD LIGHT!

5 Things that are Very Annoying about The Gym

1.  Often, I am the only one who sings along during Spin class. (I always try to sing along, even if it requires me to pedal consistently slower than the rest of the class for the sake of better breath support)

2. Often, all the elliptical machines are full of girls who are hardly even working out. So then I have to wait for some girl to finish reading her article about Zac Effron or whatever before I can use the machine. 

3. Often, said girls are really touchy and get mad, even if you are doing something as innocuous as politely and silently standing in front of their machine, watching them as I wait for them to finish.

4. Often, guys really don't like it if you go into the weight room and lie down on a free bench to take a little nap after working out so hard.

5. Often, people act like they've never seen a person bounce on the big plastic inflatable bouncy balls before. IT'S WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR, PEOPLE!

ugh, are you proud of me for going to the gym, guys? Because I really hate it.

Bothered, but buffer,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Let me first say, that, yes, I am proud of you for going to the gym. And also, I happen to agree with you about all the annoyances of said gym.
But here's another one to add to you list- don't you find it annoying that nine times out of ten, the first thing you see when you enter the women's locker room is a naked 80 year old grandma?
