Monday, November 17, 2008

New York, I Love You But You're Getting My Hair Wet

I want to tell you about my date last night, but it is my penultimate day in N.Y.C. City, and I still have SO much to see. Like: Magnolia Cupcake Factory. Like: The Statue of Liberty. Like: Crumbs Cupcake Factory. Like: A Puerto Rican person. (I LOVE West Side Story.)

In the meantime, here are a few pictures of my trip so far:
A Hot Dog.

RockerFeller Centre

Central Park In Fall
In Which I Purchase Coffee In Order To Keep My Cheek Warm

Radio City Music Hall
(I told you my hair gets crazy in humidity.)
Signing out from The Big Apple,


Anonymous said...

great pics early! keep em coming and cant wait to hear about your daaaate!!

Anonymous said...

you should add a dash of stalking to your list of activities!

Anonymous said...

love the new hairdo!

Anonymous said...

so what do you think of britney's new cd?

Earlene said...

I don't know. I only listen to Dido.

Leadfoot said...

OMG....THE DATE! Did you make out or not? Your public awaits!!