Monday, December 1, 2008

A big decision

You know how in cinema, the main protagonist will often have an emotional breakdown that coincides with going home for a period of time? And spending time with family will prompt the to seriously re-evaluate their life, like in "13 Going on 30" when Jennifer Garner goes home to her Mom and Dad and scrutinizes the life choices that have led her to be rich and successful but ultimately empty on the inside?

I kind of had a moment like that.

Of course, I am not rich, or successful, and IMHO (that means In My Humble Opinion.) am very beautiful on the inside. Still, I had a similar bout of introspection while celebrating Thanksgiving at Grandmas. The food-induced coma that followed my four plates of stuffing and mashed potatoes (gotta carb-load if you're not eating turkey), I realized some hard truths about my life:

  • I do not have a job, and therefore not a lot of money to spend on things like video games and clothes and pie.
  • And I did look for a job. But we live in hard times.
  • (Just so you don't think I'm lazy or anything)
  • Also, I have few social commitments here. Trey doesn't return my calls, and I don't think it's good for Bradney and I to see each other, as it would be too painful now that I have moved on. Which leave Paul, who is flexible.
  • The best part of my life is Carl. Who is far away.
  • My mom is secretly trying to ruin my life.

So I was complaining about all of this to Carl, and he said seven words that might just change my life:

"Well, why don't you just come here?"

And so I thought about it, and, really, what's stopping me from going to New York? There is nothing holding me here! 

I know it seems like it's too early to just up and move across the country to be with Carl. But...

don't you think it's about time I got a life?

I'm posting a new poll. Please vote, and leave any advice you have for me!

Hoping to make it after all,


NYC Bitch Publicist said...

Early, I want you to be happy and so I will whole-heartedly support whatever your decision is about New York. I just want you to remember, though, that things are not always as they seem, and that sentiment is best illustrated by this YouTube clip:

Anonymous said...

Did he mean move to NY on your own, or move in with him? You need to get clarification on that. How would you pay rent?