Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

(Note: I'll go back to writing normal entries about my day-to-day existence when my life stops being so depressing. So, I'm thinking early 2011?)

Also, please note that, because my life is in complete and utter shambles, there are major resolutions that go without saying (i.e. get a job, an apartment, a Wii, and a boyfriend, in that order). 

That having been said, for my New Year's resolutions I am going to focus on smaller, more instantly achievable things.
The Resolutions of Early Watts
  1. Make friends with a girl my age who is not a bitch.
  2. Exact painful and humiliating revenge on Carl.
  3. Find the best Mac N'Cheese in America.
  4. Go to the gym at LEAST twice a month.
  5. Put lots of cute facebook pictures up to make Carl jealous.
  6. Prove to my mom that I am not a lesbian.
  7. Conquer my phobia of Gerard Depardieu.
  8. Dye my hair a different color and truly give myself a makeover.
  9. Move to a New City.
And, possibly, depending on how I do with the first 9 items...

10. Find my father.

Chugging a cup of kindness,


Anonymous said...


Move to NYC and become friends with Whitney from "The City" and you'll be famous. That will show Carl!

Earlene said...

omg that would be like knocking THREE resolutions off my list in one fell swoop!

Anonymous said...

omg what an interesting TWIST!