Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm sorry, you guys.

I'm sorry, you guys.

I said some things I regret.

I don't think you all work at Merril-Lynch and eat peanut-butter sandwiches and jello cups for lunch.

I think you guys as a group are pretty smart. After all, it was you who helped me decide to take Carl to the Olive Garden, which was definitely the right decision.

I understand that you guys, collectively, have more life experience than I do, singularly.

I like to put polls up because I do genuinely respect your opinions.

Thank you, all.


I don't want to be the type of person

Who lives her life

Based on

A blog.

New York City, here I come.

Earlene Watts


Chris said...

Have we had a discussion about how this is my favorite blog?

...because it is.

Anonymous said...

earleney in the city!

Anonymous said...

Oh Earlene. I'm so glad you are following your dreams. I can't wait to hear all about your NY adventures.