Friday, December 19, 2008

My First (and Best) Christmas Present

Omg, you guys. Guess what I got in the mail from Reader Tara?

Dear Earlene,

I've been reading your blog for a while, and think you're great. I have to say, though, that I think you're giving sharpies a bad rap. Maybe they aren't good for taking notes at Presidential Debates, but they do have their uses. For instance, sharpies can be good for:
  • Signing autographs
  • coloring
  • plastic surgery
  • decorating the walls of a future New York apartment
I think that secretly, you're just upset that you don't have your own sharpies. So, in honor of your first time celebrating Christmas, I am sending you some.


Omg, you guys.

THEY HAVE MY NAME ON THEM. Can I just say I love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love my sharpies?

Tara, that was the best Christmas present I have ever received. THANK YOU!

Discovering the meaning of Christmas,

1 comment:

TS said...

Glad to see you smiling Early girlie!