Thursday, December 11, 2008

Boy Troubles

I'm having some boy troubles, and by boy troubles, i really mean girl troubles, but I hesitate to say that because I don't need EVERYONE thinking I'm a lesbian, and really it's both boy AND girl troubles.

I'm having PEOPLE troubles.

Basically Carl has started asking me a lot of questions about why I want to video chat 24/7, and what I do for fun besides video chatting, and whether I ever leave my room when we aren't video chatting, or do I just sit in front of the computer and wait for him to come back and then commence video chatting again.

Basically, I need to convince him that I have a life, (even though, just between you and me, I don't.)

I think we can all agree that an easy way to judge someone's social life is to look at their facebook profile. The quality of one's social life is directly proportionate to the amount and frequency of "Photos Tagged by Others" on facebook.

I have seven pictures tagged on facebook. But I also took all the picture of myself with my computer camera, and tagged them in an album called "ME".  So they don't really give off the life-of-the-party impression that I'm going for.

I'm sure Carl doesn't want to see pictures of me doing shots, or 30 identical pictures of me and a drunk friend as we try to pose "sexy" which basically means just puckering lips and drooping your eyes til it looks like you have no eyeballs.  (He is, after all, full of quivers.)

Still, it would be nice to be able to subtly give him the impression that I do have SOME girl friends (not girlfriends!!!). I mean, he doesn't know that all girls my age are bitches.

So, I think I'm gonna put an ad on craigslist.

Meet a girl, take a few pictures around town, and prove to Carl I'm not some kind of a social outcast loser freak.



Anonymous said...

Ill take photos with you early! we can dance on a bar and caption it "what WONT we do for free tequila!?"

Anonymous said...

Hey Early,

I fully know what you mean about Facebook.Ugh. With that said, just name the time and the place and we can take some photos!
