Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Interesting Facts About Me

So, everyone on facebook has been doing these "25 Random Facts About Me" surveys and then they tag 25 friends to make them also list 25 random facts.

This has been going on for a couple days, and I have been waiting for someone to tag me.

Well, it's been like a week, I'm running out of facebook friends who haven't done it yet, and sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own hands.

25 Interesting Facts about Moi, Earlene
  1. Once I accidentally snapped a gerbil's neck. And it was the class gerbil. And I just put it back in the cage without telling anyone.
  2. I love to chew gum and ice at the same time.
  3. I hate the show Jon and Kate Plus Eight because it gives me anxiety attacks.
  4. I have negative bouyancy. This is very rare, and affects less than 1% of the population. It doesn't really affect me that much, unless I am in a pool or lake or large body of water, in which case I just sink straight down to the bottom.
  5. My signature drink is a Virgin Pina Colada. Every time I order it, I ask the person next to me if they like getting caught in the rain.
  6. My mom went through this weird hippy period, so for a year in middle school I made my own soap.
  7. Once I went to Bradney's house and his roommate let me in and I stole a stick of deodorant from his room. He wears Old Spice.
  8. I am allergic to Coconut.
  9. Once I thought a guy at the grocery store was cute, so I asked him where the humus was. Except we were standing directly in front of the hummus. And also we were at Whole Foods, where, hummus is EVERYWHERE..
  10. I am not allergic to vegetables, but I tell people I am because I don't like them.
  11. I really like Verizon commercials, and have a picture of the Verizon guy as my desktop.
  12. Also, once I saw the guy from the All State commercials in a movie or something from before he was the All State, "Are You In Good Hands?" guy....and I did not like it.
  13. I think that ostriches are the most terrifying creatures on the planet.
  14. I can't sleep without socks on.
  15. When I was little I used to pretend to get ear infections so I could get that pink medicine that tasted like bubblegum.
  16. Sometimes when I go to the doctor's office and have to fill out paperwork, I lie and say that I smoke and drink so that the doctor doesn't think I'm a loser.
  17. I auditioned for a barbershop quartet once but did not get in because I was not A) a man, B) on pitch, or C) retired.
  18. In my head, my conscience sounds like Mr.Feeney from Boy Meets World. Like, whenever I'm about to do something bad, Mr.Feeney tells me not to. "Do NOT put frosting on that pizza, Ms.Watts!"
  19. I asked my mother for a surprise party every single year of growing up, and never got one.
  20. The only thing scarier than ostriches is ALF.
  21. The only concert I have ever been to is a Lyle Lovett concert.
  22. If I do not like you, I will draw pictures of you in my secret notebook.
  23. I like the word "significantly".
  24. If I have a daughter I will name her Sarapheena.
  25. I can't drink out of bottles without spilling all over myself. I always have to use a glass.
Earlene Watts


H.Peter said...

so it's just you and me who have not been tagged on Facebook. It's so embarrassing. It really is. My self esteem took a major hit.

H.Peter said...

And my favorite is #9. WF....who really shops there anyway.

Earlene said...

i do. but only for hummus and cabbage.

H.Peter said...

I heard they have the best Cabbage of all.