Monday, February 16, 2009

Wish they all could be Califoria Giiirrrls....


This is a big deal, as I have been a California girl my entire life. I decided to go out with a bang, so I DYED MY HAIR BLONDE!

Just kidding, you guys, no I didn't. I want to fit in when I get to New York, not stand out!

But I DID do as many california girl activities I could possibly think of, including:
  • Listening to "No Doubt Tragic Kingdom" on repeat.
  • Prematurely complain to Hiroko and Sven about the lack of good Mexican food in New York, even though I don't even eat Mexican food because it triggers my Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Wear flip flops all morning.
  • Change into Uggs, A mini-skirt, A tank top, and mittens during the evening.
  • Flat ironed my hair, and then curled it, and then flat ironed it again to give it"natural beach waves". (This did not work so well on my hair.)
  • "Lay Out"....on the roof of my garage, until the birds started to get too comfortable with me.
  • Go to "Jamba". Down a wheatgrass shot. (It was disgusting. I immediately had to get a slurpee from 7-11 to get the taste out of my mouth.)

And then, finally

Driving down the freeway, past all the palm trees, blasting any music you want and singing at the top of your lungs without the fear of your mother deciding to try to harmonize with you.... 

That's the California I'm really gonna miss. All that endless room to drive. 

One more day, you guys!!!!!!!!!


P.S. Bradney video coming by WEDNESDAY AT THE LATEST! Definitely before I get to New York!


Anonymous said...

waiting ANXIOUSLY for the video!

Anonymous said...

You are like Whitney Port, leaving Los Angeles for a new life in New York... the similarities between you and her are striking

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