Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One week

If I've lived in New York City for one entire week, does that make me a New Yorker?

If I haven't eaten anything that I haven't purchased from a cart in the past 7 days, does THAT make me a New Yorker?

If I've started to answer "No." to the guys on the street who ask me "Do you like comedy?", even though I actually do like comedy, does that make me a New Yorker?

If I now know to take a book on the subway to avoid making accidental eye contact with people, does that mean I'm a real New Yorker?

If I pretend to miss the Good Old Days, before gentrification when a gal could "go see a REAL show in Times Square", (whatever that means!)  does that make me a New Yorker?

If I insist that the cabbie avoid the JFK Turnpike, even though I'm pretty sure it would be faster than sitting in gridlock, does that make me a real New Yorker?

If, instead of waiting on the curb for the pedestrian signal, I step into the street and slowly inch my way across, tempting fate and angry cars, does that mean I'm a real New Yorker?

If I purposefully mispronounce street names, to highlight the fact that I am a New Yorker, (for instance: Houston is actually pronounced "house-ton". Also, Broadway is pronounced B-rode-way.) does THAT mean I'm a real New Yorker?

It's not important--just wondering when I'll actually feel like I fit in here.

New York-a-liscious,

P.S. Here is something that New Yorkers do, that I do not do: When they are waiting for the subway, they lean as far as they can over the track and peer into the tunnel to try and see if a train is coming. It usually isn't. Also, what is the point? This is annoying.


NYC Bitch Publicist said...

I can't believe you've been here for ONE WEEK and I haven't run into you yet!! By the way, I wanted to let you know that I, too, was selected for exit row duty on my flight home from Denver on Monday. I tried to follow your stellar example, and I hope I did you proud!

Earlene said...

OMG, NYC Bitch Publicist, congratulations! Being selected for exit row duty is truly an honor, and I am sure you did a fine and honorable job.

And I also cannot believe we have not run into each other. Do you frequent the Halal Cart on 28th and 5th?

H.Peter said...

New York. So exciting.

So much to do, so little time.

Post pictures!