Sunday, February 22, 2009

Deep. Breath.

I suppose I had unrealistic expectations. You know that scene in Annie where Daddy Warbucks takes her into the city and the cab drivers start singing and everyone is happy? Yeah, New York is not actually like that. It's a whole different city once you venture away from Times Square and Rockerfellow center. And I don't know WHERE Whitney Port is, but I have been here four days without seeing her!

I suppose there are some things that I am just going to have to get used to. Namely, Evil nuns.

Being Jewish, I had never actually met a nun before. But I expected that they would all more or less be like this:

Or like this:

Well, it turns out that the nuns who run the convent in which I am staying are actually more like this:

But with less kind eyes.

Let's just say, singing "What If God Was One Of Us" in the shower (my morning ritual), is *Not* appreciated. 

My cat, Paul? Also not appreciated it. I know they said no pets. But. Paul isn't a pet. He's more like Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Except he doesn't talk. Or have magical powers. And he didn't used to be a person. And I have to change his litter box twice a day. But not a pet.

It's a nice, clean place to live. And the nuns are scary, but the outside, i.e. New York City is REALLY scary. Tomorrow I am forcing myself to take the subway. But tonight, I'm staying in again. I only go out so far as the corner. The corner is where I have met my first New York Friend, Chafik. He has a Halal food cart, and is very nice, and talks a lot, which is good because it is so cold outside that I cover my mouth with my scarf, rendering me uncharacteristically silent.

Chafik used to work at the russian tea room, but when he got tired of boiling tea he started his own cart. I am a hotdog de-vo-tee, as you know, but the Halal food is also very tasty, and I have had it twice a day since I've arrived. He gives me extra hot sauce and napkins, and is a good friend.

So. I suppose things aren't so bad. Like I said...things are just gonna take some getting used to.

Although, when I run into Sister Mercedes first thing in the morning, when I go to the shared bathrooms to brush my teeth....

...I just don't know how I'll ever get used to that.

Earlene Watts

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