Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why do I still only have six followers.

Liveblogging=fail, as JFK doesn't have wireless internet.

I did snap this picture of myself at the gate. 

I was not chosen for exit row duty this time, so I got to spend the plane ride sleeping and watching "Into the Wild with Bear Grylles".

Have any of you guys seen that show? It's a documentary series all about this attractive British man who for some reason keeps getting stranded in a bunch of deserted places, but he was a Boy's Cout so he knows what to do in dangerous situations. I watched a show today where he as stranded in the Sahara desert, but luckily he came across a camel carcas that he could crawl into. Also he found plenty of water within the camel's belly, once he removed all the excrement.

If this whole office job thing doesn't work out, I think I should try getting my own show. "Into the Wild with Earlene Watts". ESPECIALLY with my exit row training, I would be really good at it, I think. I think I am a naturally intuitive girl when it comes to emergency situations. Like, if I were stranded at sea in a life boat, I would make a fishing hook out of my underwire bra, and then bait it with, like, kelp or something, and then I would catch lots of fish and eat them. And then if there was a whale I could get WHALE BLUBBER and use it to make candles. I have lots of good ideas.

Anyway, I am pretty tired right now, because being a jetsetter is pretty tiring. 

THREE DAYS til Valentines Day.
ONE WEEK til I move to NEW YORK CITY officially. 

Exhausted, and probably soon to be homeless, 



NYC Bitch Publicist said...

How do I become a follower???

theresa said...

I done signed myself up. Let me know when you're settled in here, Earlene -- would love to see you!

TS said...

How do I become a NYC Bitch Publicist?