Friday, January 23, 2009

America's Next Top UGLY Model.

OMG you guys! Tressica's, like, gonna be a model! Because she's, like, SO PRETTY!

HA! Everyone knows that REAL top models are actually really ugly, and only get booked because they have "interesting" or "unique" aka HIDEOUS faces.

Also, I am sure that once I arrive in New York and start taking the subway regularly, I too will be approached to model. It's not THAT big of a deal. It happens to everyone, and it will happen to me, too, especially if it's a hair model thing, because once after going to the Clinique counter I asked my mom to honestly tell me what my best facial feature was and she said I have nice hair. (Actually, she said I have nice hair when I "bother to run a comb through it", which means I have nice hair at LEAST once a week.)

Once I asked Carl if he would ever break up with me, and he said "No", and then after a minute he was like "well, maybe for a MODEL or something."

Well that is completely ridiculous because models cannot possibly be fun to date. You would never want to swap plates at a restaurant because they would probably only order, like, celery stalk. You would take your girlfriend home to your parents, knowing that if your parents read magazines or or billboards they've already seen your girlfriend in her underwear. And you would probably untag every picture of you two together on facebook because you would inevitably just look like a ridiculous gnome next to her.

But, if Carl is determined to have a model, I can be a model. It's honestly not that hard.

All I had to do was google search "Modeling Opportunities" "Los Angeles", make a few calls, and bada bing bada bang, The Los Feliz Figure Drawing Group is paying me $20 an hour to model for them this weekend.

Not difficult, Tressica, not difficult at all. Now all I have to do is plan my outfit!



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