Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Carl's girlfriend has a blog. A BLOG. I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her. She's so stupid. 

Her name is Tressica.




THAT IS NOT A NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ugh, if you feel like going and throwing up a whole bunch, please visit www.tresstrysts.blogspot.com, and be sure to leave her a comment telling her how TERRIBLE she is. 

It's definitely time to up my game in terms of getting Carl back. Do you guys have suggestions? PLEASE? I am thinking about taking a series of provocative pictures of myself. 

I practiced a "Come Hither" look today. 

If I approached you in a bar, you'd buy me a virgin Pina Colada drink, yes?


P.S. www.tresstrysts.blogspot.com if you love reading about BITCHES.


Anonymous said...

she's a BITCH!

Earlene said...


Anonymous said...

Okay, can we say that she is a total penis too? She certainly is a bit skanky with that tongue shot on her profile and that open invitation to who knows what in the title of her blog!!!!!

Boy, I sure did get worked up. I'm sorry, I just remember what it is like to be dogged by a total penis like that!

Oops, sorry again. I guess I shold probably clean up my language, but ever since you recommended penis as your favorite sware word, I just can't stop using it.

I'll try to show more restraint.
