Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Application--Personal Statement

My name is Earlene Watts, and I live in Torrance, California, at 3322 Wawona Avenue, down the street from my former elementary school, three blocks over from my former high school, and a two minute car ride from the Galleria, where I worked at Wetzel's Pretzels after school from 2003-2006. 

I've slept in the same twin bed my whole life, except for when my parents took me to the Grand Canyon (and then I slept on a fold-out cot at the Quality Inn), and then again at the Sheraton in New York City, where I slept on a full. Often, I still sleep in the same Babysitter's Club Flannel Sheets I got for Christmas in 1993. I am not one for material possessions.

I have always slept alone (Note: I wouldn't normally write this in an application, but I figure in this case you would appreciate that fact.) The point is, neither the prospect of a twin bed, nor the prospect of being its only occupant, is daunting to me.

I don't have many friends, and can't remember the last time I had someone over. I like to play video games, and usually by myself. I am never out past midnight, and though I do stay up until very late at night, I am always silent.

I do like to eat food a lot, but have been strongly advised to go on a diet. So a kitchen that closes at 9:00 pm with no exceptions might be a BLESSING in disguise. (Note: Though not Catholic, I do believe in blessings. Like when my mom wouldn't buy me Apoluxor because it was too violent was actually a BLESSING because when I finally bought the next year they had come out with a better version with more realistic blood.) 

I am a very neat person, and never leave my clothes crumpled on the floor. And when putting up my CSI:Miami and Zac Effron posters, I promise to use that sticky putty stuff, even if it means having to re-hang the posters every time someone opens or closes a door, because I know that tape leaves unsightly marks on the walls.

I don't have a job yet, but I have enough money saved up to afford rent until I GET a job. I just need a quiet, safe place to stay for a while, because even though I would never admit it to my overbearing mother, I am a little bit scared of homeless people and taxi drivers and pigeons, and will probably be missing her a lot.

But mostly, I just want to live someplace that isn't  down the street from my former elementary school, three blocks over from my former high school, and a 2 minute car-ride from Wetzel's Pretzels.

I am sure that I would be a great addition to your convent. Pax Christi.

What do you guys think??? Is the Pax Christi a bit much? I just want to make sure the nuns know that as a Jew, I still respect their religion. I really need them to let me live with them!!!!



Anonymous said...

You should mention how Sister Act II: Back in the Habit has always been one of your favorite movies

Earlene said... did you KNOW THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

3322 Elliott???

Earlene said...

3322 WAWONA.

Trick Rage said...