Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MEN, some great, some small.

So, I've been carefully monitoring Tressica's blog all day, and I came upon something pretty disturbing....

Someone left the following comment: "You definitely won't be having sex with Carl. Been there, didn't do that, BOOOOORING".


I did not leave that comment. (Although I DID leave the one before it)

This begets the question:


Also, at least I don't sign my posts "TA!". And, (I've said this before, but it bears repeating:) AT LEAST MY NAME ISN'T TRESSICA!!!!!

Anyway. I was supposed to go to the gym today, but then I remembered the inauguration is on tv, so of course I had to watch all day because I LOVE charles gibson.

Here are some facts about Charles Gibson:
  • He is affable.
  • He went to the same school as Sasha and Malia Obama. It is fun to imagine a 10 year old Charlie Gibson with a quill in hand.
  • His father grew up in Schenectady, NY.
  • He moderated a debate between Bush and Kerry in 2004.
  • Actually there is surprisingly little interesting information about him on wikipedia. 
But still, he is great, and I am drawn to his charming banter and animal magneticsm, so I was glued to my tv set all day, and instead of going to the gym....

I ate an inauguration cupcake.

God Bless America,

Earlene Watts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if only you had a picture of you and charles gibson together!