Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lavender Blue Dilly Dilly, Lavender Green

So, Swati Hingorani, from Bombay, was kind enough to leave a comment informing me that those arranged marriage sites are borderline racist, which obviously won't do, because I will accept ANY shade of Indian. So, Swati, do you know anyone you could set me up with for Valentine's Day?

And Jennifer pointed out that Bradney has a blog now,, which was nice of her but also naive, because obviously I have been carefully monitoring all of Bradney's activities. Even though I am over him. Totally. Although, the blog makes no mention of HIM having a date for Valentine's day...

Anyway, Bradney's blog has this thing where if he and his roommate get 15 people to follow his blog, they will film themselves donating blood. Which, is sort of like saying "if you read your blog I will give money to orphans--but if not, I won't."

Still, I think it's a good idea, and would like to implement it. I have FIVE followers right now. If I get 16 followers, I will.......

Well, that's the problem. What would you like to see me do? Donate blood? Eat a sandwich?  Show up at Bradney's office with flowers and ask him to be my Valentine?

I would like to hear your suggestions. And then I will compile the best ones and make a POLL, because we haven't done one in a while. 

And then if I get 16 followers, I will film myself doing whatever it is you guys want me to do.

But keep it PG. If I didn't go to third base with a class of life Figure drawers, do you think I will do it for the whole internet? 


P.S. Paul...I tried did not end well.


Anonymous said...

Makes a persuasive collage to persuade Bradney to be your valentine. Include pros and cons.

Anonymous said...

You could leave Bradney a coupon for a free figure drawing class... and then have it turn out to be a private lesson

Anonymous said...

Hey Early,

You could simply show up at Bradney's house on Valentine's Day, all geared up to go on a date. There is no way he could refuse you, once you get all dolled up. You guys could go somewhere romantic, like the Olive Garden or Sizzler (one of his personal faves) and then end the evening with some vlogging. Good plan, right?


Unknown said...

I vote for showing up at Bradney's work with a Valentine plea AND a Vday serenade. Something romantical and something that will win him over, such as opening with, "Have I ever told you you're my herooo?".

Anonymous said...

Paul FTW

Swati Hingorani said...

Hey, hehe you're welcome, also the site is run by a businessman (with a very complicated name) and usually the results are computer generated so no ones looking out for you! If i knew someone in L.A. I definitely would but sadly I'm a couple of continents away!